You Want The Back Story? You Got It.

It Began with LQSS:  Crushing Early Often and Well Circa 2001

Started as the And Well Cup back in 2006, when 2 young bucks (later to be named Mechanic and Baby) decided their insatiable thirst must be celebrated each year with a trophy.  The And Well Cup was prototyped and developed via months of email between Afghanistan and Virginia Beach, VA.  The trophy was forged in Virginia Beach and initially celebrated in Lawton, Oklahoma at Fort Sill in 2007.  After the And Well Cup's unveiling, it was celebrated in DC in '08, uncelebrated in '09 due to an Iraq deployment, North Carolina in '10, Chicago in '11, then repurposed to La Quinta Shit Show (LQSS) in 2012 where the Pro's house became LQSS headquarters.  Since inception, the And Well Cup has traveled in style.  LQSS charter states that the And Well Cup can not be checked in which creates quite a stir in the airport, so much so that a painting of the trophy was commissioned in 2008/2009 I believe.

Over the years many have participated in the LQSS.  The Mechanic is a back to back champion 2012/2013 and the Pro took home the title in 2014.  Baby has yet to raise the cup, mostly due to lack of heart and too many Coor Lights (CLs, Super Colds, Oat Sodas, etc.)

The tourney is defined by shit talking, laughs, beers, booze, bags, pool b-ball, meltdowns, short tee games, long short games, and shaky putting.  Essentially putting your life on hold for 5-7 days each year.  The tourney has seen many highs and lows throughout the years, usually extreme highs immediately followed by extreme lows.

Which Brings us to CSG Today. It's time for us to spread the good times onto others that CSG brings to the table. It's time for you to put on your Clown Shoes with your buddies and be free to act a fool.  It's time to get the worst score of your life but bust out the most laughs you’ve ever had.  It's time to approach the game with eager anticipation and outrageous style.  And dammit, have a birdie followed by 17 double bogies.

You want to have the time of your life on the green? I've got 10 words for ya: Don't be a plug- get your Clown Shoes Golf on.