Get To Know The Clown Shoes Team: Trust Us, It's Worth It- They're Fan-Freakin-Tastic

The Mechanic: AKA Jonathan Regal, Jonathan Army, Jonathan Business, Jonathan Leisure;  2 time champion, hole in one, hearty thirst, ass-out style, and no short game.  Fuels his game with Modelo Especial and continues to grind despite bambi ankles and bum wheels.  Mac Tier Chomper Champion 2004, once called “beautiful” in a San Diego saloon. 

Fagan/bash/smash/hippy: Also known as the Tippy Toe'd Killah.  Loves his Hall and Oates radio when out on the course.  The only person that can soothe the Baby over the course of 18 holes.  The other half of Baby Fagan.  Known for disappearing from the bar and midday blackouts.

Baby: AKA Rip, Nip, Gip, Gip Daddy, Pip Daddy.  The personality of the group,  known on the course for his costumes.  Often goes by the moniker “White Knight” for his white hat, shirt, pants, shoes and belt combo.  Unfortunately for Baby, it is typically all downhill after the costume.  Baby expects to win each year but inevitably the hope is short lived and the collapse soon follows.  Crooked tee shots and majestic approaches (epic collapse on 18 circa 2012) are his trademark.  Despite his three straight last place finishes at LQSS, Baby is known for winning at the pool.  Once fought through heat stroke at the Vintage.  Tenacious competitor, unbridled enthusiasm, bum wheels, shit teeth.  Loves to win but never wins.  Fell off a boat twice in the same day while fishing.

The Pro: The class of the organization, typically under control until the 19th hole.  Known for his mind games including heavy lunches, holding out on yardages, building us up only to tear us down, feeding  beers early in the round only to withhold on the back 9 once a hearty thirst has been developed. 

McGibbs: Short for McGibblets, he grew up near a Turkey Farm so who know's how better to cook the Thanksgiving Turkey? The self proclaimed Almost-McGuyver of the group, know's just enough about everything to get in trouble but not enough to get out.